Friday 2 April 2010

The Jolly Game of Cellar Boxing

CFTC debacle opens the door to GlobalWeimar

Welcome to a new blog established to explore the wonderful world of fiat money, hypothecation and fraudulent syndicated monetary control. The author of the blog has financial market experience and aims to spread the good word of Gold and Silver and their critical role in maintaining freedom for the individual versus the collective.

The recent CFTC meeting has opened the door to the rapid emergence of Global Weimar as the baddies have admitted on the record that the Precious Metals markets in their existing form are a sham and farce of monumental proportions, just as many suspected. I will be watching the Andrew Maguire story and the banking sector/regulator hybrid's reaction to it with great interest over coming months. Be clear though that while the mainstream media in the west may ignore this story Asian creditors will not. They have massive long positions on the LBMA, now revealed as a Ponzi scheme par excellence and as such I expect the rush from paper Precious Metals into Bullion will be dramatic, and thanks to the internet be catalysed to take place in a flash. The tipping point between exploding Gold and Silver prices and the onset of GlobalWeimar is unknowable - but of millennial importance. People somewhere soon will reject government policy by voting against its paper money and the trend will spread like wildfire.

below is a link to Adrian Douglas' article about the CFTC hearings, it is a must-read.